标签: Jason Buenrostro

  • Jason Buenrostro,发布ATCA-Seq升级版190624

    Jason Buenrostro,哈佛大学副教授

    入选麻省理工商业评论(MIT Technology Review)2019年年度全球“35岁以下科技创新35人”榜单。

    Jason Buenrostro,博士,哈佛大学副教授,主要专注于单细胞测序技术的创进,ATCA-Seq技术的发明人之一。

    2019年6月24日,其团队在《Nature Biotechnology》杂志上发表了新成果,将分析通量从100个细胞提高到50,000个细胞,从而使得ATAC-Seq分析更加高效。
    Lareau CA, Duarte FM, Chew JG, Kartha VK, Burkett ZD, Kolhway AS, Pokholok D, Aryee MJ, Steemers FJ, Lebofsky R?, Buenrostro JD?. Droplet-based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale single-cell chromatin accessibility. Nature Biotechnology (2019). (equal contribution) (co-corresponding)
    Ulirsch JC, Lareau CA, Bao EL, Ludwig LS, Guo MH, Benner C, Satpathy AT, Kartha VK, Salem R, Hirschhorn JN, Finucane HK, Aryee MJ, Buenrostro JD?, Sankaran VG?. Interrogation of human hematopoiesis at single-cell and single-variant resolution. Nature Genetics (2019). (equal contribution) (co-corresponding)Featured in Nature Genetics
    Yoshida H, Lareau CA, Ramirez RN, Rose SA, Maier B, Wroblewska A, Desland F, Chudnovskiy A, Mortha A, Dominguez C, Tellier J, Kim E, Dwyer D, Shinton S, Nabekura T, Qi Y, Yu B, Robinette M, Kim K, Wagers A, Rhoads A, Nutt SL, Brown BD, Mostafavi S?, Buenrostro JD?, Benoist C?, the Immunological Genome Project. The cis-Regulatory Atlas of the Mouse Immune System. Cell (2019). (co-corresponding)
    Buenrostro JD, Corces R, Lareau C, Wu B, Schep AN, Aryee MJ, Majeti R, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ?. Integrated Single-Cell Analysis Maps the Continuous Regulatory Landscape of Human Hematopoietic Differentiation. Cell (2018). (co-corresponding)
    Satpathy AT, Saligrama N, Buenrostro JD, Wei Y, Wu B, Rubin AJ, Granja JM, Li R, Mumbach MR, Lareau CA, Serratelli WS, Gennert DG, Schep AN, Corces MR, Kim YH, Khavari PA, Greenleaf WJ, Davis MM, Chang HY. Transcript-indexed ATAC-seq for precision immune profiling. Nature Medicine (2018). (equal contribution)
    Schep AN, Wu B, Buenrostro JD, Greenleaf WJ. chromVAR: inferring transcription-factor-associated accessibility from single-cell epigenomic data. Nature Methods (2017). (co-corresponding)
    Corces MR* & Buenrostro JD?, Wu B, Greenside PG, Chan SM, Koenig JL, Snyder MP, Pritchard JK, Kundaje A, Greenleaf WJ, Majeti R+, Chang HY+. Lineage-specific and single cell chromatin accessibility charts human hematopoiesis and leukemia evolution. Nature Genetics (2016). (equal contribution) (co-senior)
    Buenrostro JD, Wu B, Litzenburger U, Gonzales M, Ruff D, Snyder M, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. Single-cell chromatin accessibility reveals principles of regulatory variation. Nature (2015).
    Schep AN, Buenrostro JD, Denny SK, Schwartz K, Sherlock G, Greenleaf WJ. Structured nucleosome fingerprints enable high-resolution mapping of chromatin architecture within regulatory regions. Genome Research (2015).
    Buenrostro JD* & Araya CL, Chircus LM, et al. Quantitative analysis of RNA-protein interactions on a massively parallel array reveals biophysical and evolutionary landscapes. Nature Biotechnology (2014). (equal contribution)
    Buenrostro JD, Giresi PG, Zaba LC, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. Transposition of native chromatin for fast and sensitive epigenomic profiling of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins and nucleosome position. Nature Methods (2013).
    Myllykangas S* & Buenrostro JD, Natsoulis G, Bell JM, Ji HP. Efficient targeted resequencing of human germline and cancer genomes by oligonucleotide-selective sequencing. Nature Biotechnology (2011). (equal contribution)
    Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ, Xingqi Chen, Buenrostro JD. Transposase-mediated imaging of the accessible genome (2017).
    Giresi P, Buenrostro JD, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. Transposition of Native Chromatin for Personal Epigenomics (2013).
    Bustamante CD, Carpenter ML, Buenrostro JD, Greenleaf WJ. Enrichment of DNA Sequencing Libraries from Samples Containing Small Amounts of Target DNA (2013).
    Myllykangas S, Buenrostro JD, Ji HP. Direct Capture, Amplification and Sequencing of Target DNA Using Immobilized Primers (2010).


  • scATAC-Seq,一种加速单细胞测序的技术发布190624

    scATAC-Seq,全称single-cell Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing,由哈佛大学HSCRB研究者和Bio-Rad Laboratories联合在2019年6月24日Nature Biotechnology发布。

    scATAC-Seq是在2013年斯坦福大学William J. Greenleaf、Jason Buenrostro和Howard Y. Chang实验室开发的用于研究染色质可及性的ATAC-Seq技术基础上开发的测序技术,ATAC-Seq原理是通过转座酶Tn5容易结合在开放染色质的特性,然后对Tn5酶捕获到的DNA序列进行测序。


    对于单细胞测序中分离细胞这一挑战,scATAC-Seq使用ddSEQ和Bio-Rad的Droplet Digital技术解决,简而言之就是在仪器的一个通道中放置一个细胞,另一个通道添加一种微珠,每个珠子都有一个条形码标签。它们相遇的地方有油,因此会形成液滴。每个液滴都包含一个细胞和一个微珠。这样可以添加很多细胞,获取单独标记细胞的数据。其细胞捕获效率达到95%。
